
Founder’s editorial :

“I really enjoyed working in the early childhood sector, creating and managing one of France’s leading corporate daycare groups for 10 years. Looking after children has introduced me to a profession that is extremely rewarding and full of hope.

Enriched by my professional experience and having to find an alternative education solution for my 4-year-old son, I decided at the end of 2016 to set up my first school: Cube School Boulogne-Billancourt thus opened its doors on 3 September 2018. At the same time, a second school, Ecole Montessori Bilingue de Rueil-Malmaison, joined our group in May 2017, followed by a third school, Cube School Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in September 2021 and then a 4th: Cube School Port-Marly, in May 2022. Lastly, the International Trilingual Montessori School in Nogent-sur-Marne joined the Cube Education network in 2022.

Today, many parents are looking for alternative educational solutions to help their children flourish and develop their full potential. Our five bi/trilingual Montessori schools meet this need by focusing on 3 fundamental pillars: mastery of fundamental knowledge, bilingualism and the development of social and behavioural skills”.

Tristan Micol, President of Cube Education

Our philosophy

Opening up to the world of tomorrow.

Every educational project depends on a vision of society and of people. Our constantly changing world is dominated by major technological advances that are driving profound professional, social and cultural change. Personal fulfilment therefore becomes a priority objective.

Our schools’ educational project helps children to become the autonomous adults of tomorrow, aware of their own needs as well as those of others, open to diversity, adaptable, capable of expressing and developing their own talents and interests, in order to acquire know-how, life skills and interpersonal skills.

“Let’s not raise our children for today’s world. That world will have changed by the time they are grown up. That’s why it’s a priority to help children develop their creative and adaptive faculties.”

Maria Montessori Discovering the child. Science education – Volume 1

Our pedagogical beliefs

  • Our schools are living spaces where knowledge (the basics: reading, writing, thinking and expressing oneself) and interpersonal skills (self-discipline, care and empathy) are passed on.
  • Above all, our educational project promotes the autonomy and personal development of each child: we want children to enjoy coming to school because they feel they are being given personalised support in a caring and serene environment.
  • Our approach helps children to develop their self-confidence by making them aware of all their abilities and qualities.
  • Children learn best in a concrete, meaningful context and when they feel involved.
    This is why the educator prepares an environment conducive to a free choice of activity, while accompanying the child in all subjects.
  • Our schools are on a human scale and the classes form communities that are conducive to the development of social skills.
  • Our approach aims to develop a taste for effort and discovery, the pleasure of learning, care and concentration.

“Through my books for children, parents and teachers, I want to pass on the benefits of my passion: the MONTESSORI approach. I advise adults to help them better support their children, with a respectful approach to each individual, at this fundamental stage in their lives when their personalities are being shaped. It’s also what motivates me to advise Cube Education, whose ambition is to offer a solid Montessori offering, enriched by LABs (experiments anchored in real life) making these schools innovative!”

Charlotte Poussin
Author of reference books including “Que sais-je? sur La pédagogie Montessori” (PUF), and “Apprends-moi à faire seul, la pédagogie Montessori expliquée aux parents”, “Montessori de la naissance à 3 ans” and “Montessori de 6 à 12 ans” (published by Eyrolles and J’ai lu).